Sunday, September 14, 2008

I missed Lisa soooooo much this week. School has gotten a little busier and to keep up I have been spending time on homework which I'd rather spend with my wife. Oh well, I also do enjoy the intellectual challenges teachers often require of their students as well.

One of the things I enjoyed this week was my racquetball class. I am improving - getting the techniques down well enough to win a few games - and I also don't have to sit at a desk while staring at a book.

I also enjoy my chemistry class. I may even enjoy it more than my classmates because while everyone seems overly concerned with getting the right answers (meaning they study only the things which the teacher requires) I am interested in learning the entire chapter as we study the book. I think that it is amazing that people in the history books took so much time to study and investigate the elements; They found out similarities, grouped similar elements and along the way made amazing discoveries which people like myself can learn of, use and hopefully improve upon. I feel as though I am still just gazing on the tip of the iceberg of knowledge available in the subject of chemistry. The introduction/overview of organic chemistry I have begun amazes me because I am learning that thousands and thousands of organic compounds are built out of mainly the same atoms but only in a different pattern. Though what I learn is exciting I must admit I still hold back from accepting all that I learn since even the most dependable scientific laws may have instances of exception. I do, however, have a great desire to learn this "language" of science so that I am able to work with the educated world and I do trust all that has been learned enough to use it when I do enter into the working period of my life in the not too distant future.

Well I could go on and on about school but I should get back to spending time with Lisa.

As people I know and care about are reading this I hope you all know that I miss ya. Have a great week.


Heath and Mel said...
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Heath and Mel said...

This blog needs to be updated... or something... didn't you have an anniversary?? Okay... I know you are busy... but I'm pretty sure you take photos... you should share some... I like to SEE my family from time to time hehehe...

Heath and Mel said...

Do you know what year it is? You need to update.. that and add fun recipes to your blog.. with pictures.. a total must. I love pictures. Miss you guys.. can't wait til summers end.. so we can come visit. Take care dude!!!